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The logo for bigfoot pest control has a picture of a bigfoot on it.


A small brown mouse is standing on a pile of leaves.


We identify voles by their tiny ears, short tails, and rounded snouts. Covering their chunky, round bodies is dense black or brown fur. At first glance, voles look very similar to mice.


Voles live in areas of tall grass, dense ground cover, and where there is lots of landscaping. Orchards, farms, golf courses, parks, tree nurseries, and yards are places favored by voles.


Voles are active year-round; during the winter months, if snow is present, they tunnel under the snow, and instead of feeding on grass and other plants, they feed on the bark of trees.

What are voles?

Voles are small, rodents that are often mistaken for mice. However, voles are actually quite different from mice in both appearance and behavior. While mice tend to be shy and skittish, voles are much more bold and aggressive. In addition, voles have short, stumpy tails, while mice have long, slender tails. They are found all over the world, but they are most common in cold, damp climates. Voles are active all year round, but they are most active at night. In the winter, they will sometimes burrow under the snow to keep warm. Voles are considered pests because they damage crops and gardens by tunneling underground and eating roots and plants. They can also damage buildings by chewing on electrical wires and insulation. If you have voles in your yard, the best way to get rid of them is to call a professional pest control company like Bigfoot Pest Control. We will give you a free estimate and help you get rid of those pesky critters for good!

Are voles dangerous?

Although they are not generally considered dangerous to humans, voles can carry a variety of diseases, which may be transmitted to humans through contact with their droppings. Despite their small size, voles can cause a lot of damage to your property. They are known to eat through power cables and dig extensive burrows that can undermine the stability of trees and even entire buildings. Their burrowing habits can also disrupt the growth of plants and gardens. These pests are particularly destructive during the winter months, when they feast on bulbs and roots. If you suspect that voles are present on your property, it is important to contact a professional pest control company like Bigfoot Pest Control as soon as possible. Our experts will work diligently to rid your property of these unwanted guests.

Why do I have a vole problem?

There are a few possible explanations. First, your yard might be providing too much food for them. If you have a lot of landscaping or an abundance of tall grass, voles will be attracted to your property. Second, you might have a lack of predators. Cats, owls, and snakes all feed on voles, so if you don't have any of these animals around, the voles will have free rein. Finally, you might simply live in an area with a high vole population. Whatever the reason, the good news is that Bigfoot Pest Control can help get rid of your vole problem for good. We'll create a custom pest control plan that will keep your property vole-free all year long. Contact us today to learn more!

Where will I find voles?

The short answer is: somewhere underneath you. Voles are rodents that are known for their burrowing habits. They tunnel through lawns and gardens, making unsightly mounds of dirt. Voles also gnaw on tree roots and bark, which can damage plant life. In addition, voles are known to eat bulb plants and other underground vegetables. If you suspect that voles are present on your property, look for signs of burrowing or damage to plant life. You may also see voles scurrying around in search of food. If you spot a vole, chances are there are more nearby. To get rid of voles, contact Bigfoot Pest Control for professional pest control services. We will rid your property of voles and over 25 other pests!

How do I get rid of voles?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to getting rid of voles, but there are a few general tips that can help. First, it's important to identify where the voles are coming from and block their access. This may mean plugging holes in your foundation or repairing damage to your landscaping. Second, remove any potential food sources that may be attracting the voles in the first place. This could include stored pet food, bird seed, or unsecured trash cans. Finally, set up traps or use poisoned bait to catch and kill the voles that are already present. With a little effort, you can keep your home safe from these pesky critters.

Bigfoot loves chasing around these little critters, so get in touch with us today and we'll run them out ASAP!

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